Irrigation controller that can control 4 DC latch devices (eletrovalves or others) and receive data from 2 flowmeters. Open radio long range communication protocol, LoRaWAN technology.
Control the irrigation system from different devices. Share with other users and consult dotation reports and statistics.
Batteries autonomy longer than 5 years. Remote information of battery level.
Irrigation control by evapotranspiration, satellite information and other intelligent integrations.
Simplified and humanized comunication for security events, malfunctions, logs, irrigation recommendation and reports.
Schedule of the irrigation operation in the less expensive hour, during the best energy tariff.
Long range radio. Range 5-10km line of site in open field.
Consumption monitoring, alarmistic and leaks detections.
Satellite imagery and NDVI, for more information and better use of precision irrigation.
Easy installation and maintenance with plug-and-play hardware components.
Allows to control all the systems under management, even without being physically connected.
Automatic irrigation recommendations to improve results.
Control your clients needs, the state and log of the system.
Local control
Mobile application
WEB platform
Local control, WEB platform, Mobile application
Reduces drastically labor costs. Remote and centralized programming. Leaks and malfunctions detection.
Recomendações automáticas de rega para melhorar os resultados.
Controlo Local
Aplicação Mobile
Plataforma Web